Friday, September 20, 2013

Healing With The Archangels: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is also known as Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Michael. His name means, "He who is like God."

Archangel Michael is the defender and protector amongst the other Archangels. He is known to help protect the weak, and help inspire courage, bravery and strength. His divine purpose is to protect and help us here on Earth.

Archangel Michael is a warrior for God. Images of St. Michael show his strength and power along with his mighty shield and sword and royal blue cloak on his back. The vision of his sword should not evoke images of violence, but instead thoughts of him cutting away negativity and negative ties to people, places and things. In fact, you can call on Archangel Michael to do those things for you! Cut away the negativity and the fear and feel that incredible release of pain, guilt and depression.

Saint Michael is associated with truth, honesty and the authentic self. He empowers us to see our truth, our authentic self, as well as helping us to acknowledge our darkness so we can learn how to be free from it.

He encourages us to be decisive, set personal boundaries, find our Faith, be honest and brave and to find our purpose and take action.

How do we contact Archangel Michael? What kinds of protection can he give us? How do we know it's really him and that we aren't imagining things? What are his signs?

The Angels and Archangels don't want to make it tough to contact them. Their divine purpose, afterall, is to help us. So how do you call on Archangel Michael? Say out loud or think clearly, "Archangel Michael, I need your help." Then address your problem, remembering to thank him once you ask for his help. Use your own words, speak from the heart. As long as you address him directly, he will come to your side.

People may also want to contact Saint Michael through prayer. There is a prayer to St. Michael that was composed by Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) that is widely known and used to ask for his protection.

"Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

You can call on Archangel Michael to protect you in an emergency, in daily life, in the home, car or other transportation, etc. He can protect us from accidents, negativity, anxiety and more. Call on him while cleaning your home, riding or driving in the car, while encountering negative people, places or situations. Just ask for his help and protection, then thank him for his help.

Signs of St. Michael's guidance and presence include finding feathers,  seeing sparkling shimmers or flashes of royal purple/cobalt blue and golden light, and feeling warmth and heat when he is around (which may cause some to sweat and feel like a hot flash). Some people may actually hear his voice, which is said to be loving yet commanding and can be either loud or soft spoken depending on the situation (whether it is a crisis situation,etc.).

How do we know if the guidance is from Archangel Michael or ourselves? True messages from him feel like the truth and are peaceful, calming and helpful. Messages from ourselves tend to come from the ego which can produce negative, false feeling messages that can cause anxiety, fear and guilt.

If you really want a sign from your Angels and/or the Archangels, you may definitely ask them to show you a sign in the physical world for you to know that they are around you, listening to you and guiding you. Leave it up to the Angels what the sign will be and you, in return, need to just keep an open mind and a lookout.

Archangel Michael protects us when we ask for his help. But, he also gives us a way to protect ourselves using a gift he has given all of us. The shield of blue flames. When we are in a frightening or threatening situation, just visualize bright blue flames radiating around you. These are flames of protection from Archangel Michael himself.

Have any stories, experiences or additional information about Archangel Michael that you would like to share? Please leave me a comment below! As always, I would love to hear from you!

My future posts will include information about other well known Archangels, so I hope you continue to read my series of Healing With The Archangels!

Thank you for visiting me today and please don't forget to share my posts and blog on facebook and twitter! :)

In Love & Light,

Lisa Marie

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