Sunday, September 22, 2013

Healing With The Archangels: Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, also known as Saint Raphael, is the supreme healer in the angelic realm. His name means, "God Heals". His divine purpose is to heal the earth and all upon it. He heals both humans and animals from ill health and addictions.

In Catholicism, St. Raphael is the patron of healing, physicals, travelers and matchmakers.

Archangel Raphael, along with helping to heal, would like to teach us all that we, too, have the power to heal ourselves. This power is given to each of us from God. He also wants to encourage us to heal and renew our body, minds and souls as well as protect ourselves, create a balanced life and build bridges between ourselves and our enemies. And because he is also the patron of scientific arts, he wants to encourage us to study music, science and other logic based disciplines.

Archangel Raphael supervises healing for all of humanity. He is also a motivator in healing professions, assisting and helping doctors, surgeons, psychologists and all types of healers in their work.

Saint Raphael wants you to call on him for help whenever you are in any kind of pain. This includes physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain. He surrounds people with his emerald green light and nurtures them while promoting healing. Except for times when a person's illness or death is part of their divine plan here on earth, Archangel Raphael will always be there to help us heal.

Saint Raphael wants you to know he is with you, alleviating your stress and comforting you on the road to recovery. He willingly gives us signs to know he is there for us. Since his color, energetically, is emerald green, people will often see bright lights of that color. Some people see waterfalls of emerald green or sparkles and even flashes. You may even visualize emerald green light surrounding a person or bodily area in need of healing and it will invoke his presence. His green light is meant to calm you and let you know healing is on it's way.

Archangel Raphael will also send other visual signs if his presence. You may see his name on TV, or a billboard, or a book title. You may see him before you or get a strong and vivid visit from him in a dream. You may even see books about healing suddenly fall from your book shelf or find a healing book in your home that you never have seen before. These are all visual signs of him hearing you and letting you know he is there to heal you.

Archangel Raphael may try to send you signs in other ways, such as auditory signs. You may suddenly hear a song mentioning angels on the radio or hear trumpet music when you turn the station. He may answer your prayers by whispering suggestions in your ear that you may hear or feel are your own thoughts or feelings. His words may come to you in dreams or visions or appear as strong hunches or intuition.

Lastly, signs that Archangel Raphael is healing you can be felt physically. His healing may feel warm and tingly. You may also feel a vibrating or pulsing sensation. Since Saint Raphael is able to draw upon a host of angels to help you heal, you may feel these sensations even stronger or as if many healing hands are helping you.

Have you had any experiences with being healed by Archangel Raphael? What were his signs to you? What did you feel? Do you know anyone else who can share their experiences as well? Please leave me a comment telling me your stories! I would love to read them!

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Thank you for visiting me again today! :) Please check out my previous post on Archangel Michael and stay tuned for more posts in my series of Healing With The Archangels!

In Love & Light,

Lisa Marie

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